Brevetti+, marchi+ e disegni+ come back in 2022
14 July 2022
Mattia Bettello
Brevetti+, marchi+ e disegni+ refinanced for 2022
Even this year small and medium-sized enterprises will be able to take advantage of the support offered by the concessions dedicated to industrial property Brevetti+, Marchi+ and Disegni+, the refinancing of which was published in the Official Gazette no. 156 of 6 July 2022.
The financial resources available for 2022 are divided as follows:
- 20millions for brevetti+ to which 10 millions deriving from PNRR resources must be added;
- 14 millions for disegni+;
- 2 millions for marchi+.
The notices of the reopening of the incentives will be posted on the website in the coming days.
Given the great success that the past editions of these calls have had, it is very important to prepare the application in time to access it so that it can be filed promptly on the day of opening.
Who they are dedicated to
As for the previous loans: - marchi+ is intended to encourage the registration of European Union trademarks at EUIPO and international trademarks at OMPI/WIPO; - disegni+ facilitates companies to obtain external specialist services that have entailed expenses incurred after the date of registration of the Italian (UIBM), European (EUIPO) or international (WIPO/WIPO) with Italy between the designated countries designs; - brevetti+ finances the purchase of specialist services for the economic enhancement of a patent in terms of profitability, productivity and market development. The incentive can finance the purchase of specialist services relating to: industrialization and engineering, organization, development and technology transfer.
For any information regarding concessions or for the preparation of the documentation necessary to access them, do not hesitate to contact us.