Copyright protects intellectual works of a creative nature, guaranteeing the author moral and property rights.
How to get copyright
Create your artwork
The birth of copyright
The copyright is generated automatically at the time of the creation of the original work by the author and guarantees moral and property rights, having validity up to 70 years from the author's death.
The former are inalienable and allow the author to protect his reputation by having control over if and when to publish the work, to claim authorship, as well as to oppose unwanted changes.
The latter consist of rights of economic exploitation of the work and are transferable to third parties, for example under the granting of a license.
In order to be able to defend one's works, it is always advisable to make a deposit with the competent authorities in order to set a certain and spendable date of creation during any legal actions.
In this way it will not be possible to object to the moment of the birth of the right and its ownership.