Reopening of Marchi+3 Concessions
December 10 2019
Concessions, Trademarks
Cristina Guglielmini Gennari
How to access it
The Ministry of Economic Development has refinanced the business facilitation program to incentivize the registration of international and European Union trademarks (Trademark notice + 3), bringing the financial endowment to € 9,544,385. Facilitation applications for which financial coverage was not originally found will be reactivated.
The Marchi + 3 call allows you to request a refund for expenses relating to:
- the verbal and / or graphic design of the new brand;
- prior art searches;
- deposit assistance;
- legal assistance for trademark protection actions in the event of opposition / refusal / findings following the filing of the application for registration;
- the payment of the filing fees at UIBM, EUIPO / WIPO.
Starting from 9:00 am on 30 March 2020 it will therefore be possible to submit the application for subsidy for expenses incurred prior to the submission of the subsidy application and in any case after 1 June 2016.
All the documentation necessary to access the concessions is available on the website